patch K660i R1FA035

salin ke notepad lalu save as unicode
;K660 SW-R1FA035
;rename MOV to VID
1C3F6D5: 004D004F005600 00560049004400

;K660 SW-R1FA035
;radio without handsets
133A3F8: 01D1 01E0

;K660 SW-R1FA035
;Bluetooth only in "send" option
;v. 1fix
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) uniton
1056590: 0678 0026

;K660 SW-R1FA035
;Displays files with the extension
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) uniton
103AC24: AA1B 321C

;K660 SW-R1FA035
;Clear message "If you increase the brightness of the reduced working hours in standby mode"
;© 2007KrasH
;(p) uniton
+ fffe000
164E710: 50 FF

;K660 SW-R1FA035
;Work menu, called on the button on / off in FlightMode
;© 2007KrasH
;(p) uniton
+ fffe000
16441D4: 03D1 C046

;K660 SW-R1FA035
;Игнорирование "Полномочий" для явы
;Remove java security restrictions
;(с) the_laser
;(p) uniton
15B5FFB: D0 E0
15B6006: 00 01

;K660 SW-R1FA035
;"Чёрный" список вместо "белого" списка
;Whitelist to blacklist
;(c) SiNgle
;(p) uniton
F5402C: 00D1 00D0

;K660 SW-R1FA035
;короткий показ индикатора громкости
;short showing indicator loudness
;(p) uniton
1708ECE: FA21 1E21

;K660 SW-R1FA035
;Изменение времени отображения часов в спящем режиме. Было 5 сек.
;Теперь часы будут показываться 1 секунду E803, 1.5сек DC05, 2сек D007, 3сек B80B, 10сек 1027
;change indication time in sleep mode
;© IronMaster
;(p) uniton
1705CF0: 8813 D007

;K660 SW-R1FA035
;Убрать "Экстренные вызовы"
;Убираются 911 и 112 при залоченной клаве
;Remove "Emergency calls" 911 and 112 when keyboard is locked.
;©Joker XT
;(p) uniton
1444E38: 3131320039313100 0000000000000000

;K660 SW-R1FA035
;Убрать сообщение "Внимание! Громкий сигнал не подносите к уху" когда выбираешь 7-8 уровень громкости
;Remove "Warning: loud ringtones could damage your hearing" message when you choose 7-8 volume level in settings.
;(c) SiNgle
;(p) uniton
164D866: 08D3 08E0

;K660 SW-R1FA035
;Удалить папку conversations (Мои друзья)
;Delete folder conversations (My Friends)
;© Crystal
;(p) uniton
1A6F754: 2F0063006F006E0076006500720073006100740069006F006E0073 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
1A6F78A: 2F0063006F006E0076006500720073006100740069006F006E0073 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
1A709B2: 2F0063006F006E0076006500720073006100740069006F006E0073 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
1A70B84: 2F0063006F006E0076006500720073006100740069006F006E0073 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
1A74E9E: 2F0063006F006E0076006500720073006100740069006F006E0073 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
1A74ED0: 2F0063006F006E0076006500720073006100740069006F006E0073 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
1A7CDC2: 2F0063006F006E0076006500720073006100740069006F006E0073 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
1A7CDF4: 2F0063006F006E0076006500720073006100740069006F006E0073 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

;K660 SW-R1FA035
;Не отображать год в дате
;Не нужное закомментировать
;remove year in date format
;© weltonlin (CHINESE)
;(P) uniton
1B9D5E0: 254C25642D2562254C2D2579 202020202562254C254C2564;31-dec-2008 -> dec31

;K660i SW-R1FA035
;Heap shift! More stability for patches
;(c) den_po
;(p) SOAD
;(i) 7458985
;info 4 patchmakers: 2A2AC3EC...2A2BC3EB
;this info is firmware version dependent
59832: C8204003686080200001 0149884701E021F41012
2111420: 00000000000000000000000000000000 0CB51921090400230122920303600430
2111430: 00000000000000000000000000000000 0439013AFAD1286069600CBC0120C002
2111440: 0000 00BD

;K660 SW-R1FA035
;Полный доступ файловым менеджерам на яве в FS телефона
;Внимание! Удалив/переместив нужные файлы, вы можете лишить работоспособности телефон!
;Full access to file managers on Java in FS phone
;Attention! Having removed/having moved the necessary files, you can deprive with working capacity phone!
;© , neoDimm
1AC4CD8: 630061006D0065007200610000000000 69006600730000005100750065007500
1AC4CE8: 70006900630074007500720065007300 65000000740070006100000073007900
1AC4CF8: 000000006D0075007300690063000000 7300740065006D000000750073006200
1AC4D08: 2F007500730062002F004D0055005300 00002F00730079007300740065006D00
1AC4D18: 490043000000000076006900 00002F004900460053000000
1AC4DA8: B4569B11 1A4DAC11;"/tpa/user/DCIM" -> "/IFS"
1AC4DB8: E84CAC11 E04CAC11
1AC4DC0: C8569B11 1C9DA411;"/tpa/user/picture" -> "/QUEUE"
1AC4DD8: 084DAC11 6459A511;"/tpa/user/MUSIC" -> "/tpa"
1AC4DE8: 204DAC11 F44CAC11
1AC4DF0: 0C599B11 0A4DAC11;"/tpa/user/video" -> "/system"
1AC4E00: 304DAC11 024DAC11
1AC4E08: 48579B11 D459A511;"/tpa/user/other" -> "/usb"

;K660 SW-R1FA035
;Delete message "Profile" at choice of the profile
;Fixed work buttons play/pause
;© IronMaster, Joker XT
;(p) uniton
17CBD1E: FFF7 00BD

;K660 SW-R1FA035
; Adjust the brightness buttons "Volume + / --
; Brown highlighted the value of step-uvelecheniya.Zelenym umensheniya.Zamenyaem xx on the value of a step in the hex
;© 2007KrasH
;(p) vile
11B9B034: A16C6311 51F31012
11B9B03C: 256D6311 5FF31012
1210F350: 00000000000000000000000000000000 FFB5064FB8470A30054FB847FFBDFFB5
1210F360: 00000000000000000000000000000000 024FB8470A38024FB847FFBDADC56411
1210F370: 00000000 E5C56411

;K660 SW-R1FA035
;Change "Sony Ericsson ROCKS!" to "Nokia SUCKS"
;Usage: (ServiceMenu-->ModelInfo-->Press 2,4,6,8)
;® D-Man
;(P) uniton
208C77F: 536F6E79204572696373736F6E0A524F434B5321 4E6F6B6961205355434B53210000000000000000

;K660 SW-R1FA035
;Сhange ">*<<*<*";(c) demon_17;(p) uniton+fffe0001C489A8: 0B001D000F000F001D000F001D xx00xx00xx00xx00xx00xx00xx00;changed the "xx" code;1 :14;2 :15;3 :16;4 :17;5 :18;6 :19;7 :1A;8 :1B;9 :1C;* :1D;0 :13;# :1E;K660 SW-R1FA035;FM Radio always stereo;(c) Jockep;(p) uniton+fffe000139B278: 07D0 C046;K660 SW-R1FA035;Recorded videos called MP4xxxxxxxx;(C)Jockep;(p)uniton+fffe0001C4BE64: 4F 501C4BE66: 56 34;K660 SW-R1FA035;change "DSC" to "enything else";(c) Lasy;(p) uniton+fffe0001BC81A4: 4400530043 xx00xx00xx1BC8208: 4400530043 xx00xx00xx;please change the "xx" to ...;A = 41;B = 42;C = 43;D = 44;E = 45;F = 46;G = 47;H = 48;I = 49;J = 4A;K = 4B;L = 4C;M = 4D;N = 4E;O = 4F;P = 50;Q = 51;R = 52;S = 53;T = 54;U = 56;V = 57;X = 58;Y = 59;Z = 5A;K660 R1FA035;change font in sms and somewhere else;00 small, 02 big, 01 default;(c) SiNgle;(p) uniton+fffe0001BA9523: 01 02;K660 R1FA035;Change combination * # 06 # on any other;(c) Sic;(p) uniton+fffe0001C48966: 1D001E00130019001E 1C001C001C001C001C;Комбинация 999991B4EA74: 05 05;1 :0x14;2 :0x15;3 :0x16;4 :0x17;5 :0x18;6 :0x19;7 :0x1A;8 :0x1B;9 :0x1C;* :0x1D;0 :0x13;# :0x1E;K660 R1FA035;Bluetooth di Flight Mode;Bluetooth di Flight Mode;© 2007KrasH;(p) uniton+fffe000F168F3: D0 E0;K660 SW-R1FA035; Remove message "Word not found in the dictionary"; Remove message "is Added in my dictionary"; v.2; (c) IronMaster; (p) uniton+fffe00016610A0: 00F04EF802E0 C046C046C0461661CB4: FFF788FA C046C046masih kurang ga?* Maju terus indonesia dan tetap berhati-hati dalam hidup ini,semoga bermanfaat dan sukses semoga ALLAH slalu memberikan yang terbaik selamanya kepada galihrezah dan kekasihnya,,,amin hehehe makasih bentar ane mikir dulu buat postingan besok,,hehe hehehe jadi malu kabur ah..hahaha waduh kurang cepet ne balik lagi ah hehehe.. eh ga jadi kabur hihihi maaf-maaf kalau ane ada salah..hehe minum dulu gan salam kenal yah hehehe kunjungi untuk versi mobile agar lebih mudah untuk memposting komentar thx for visiting this blog and CMIIW (Correct Me If I am Wrong).