cara flash cid53

Firstly we will need to download and install the
required software.
Installing USB Flash Driver's:
Far Manager & Jdflasher 2 in one .
jdflasher_53wrecovery file's needed to work with
Patching/Flashing with jdflasher
Setting up jdflasher
Install Far Manger to your Computer, once you
have Far Manager installed we need to setup the
jdflasher plugin, to do this we simply place the
jdflasher folder into the plugin folder of the Far
Manager install directory ie: "D:\Program Files\Far
\Plugins\jdflasher" or wherever you have
installed Far Manager on your system..... Simple.
Getting to know Far
The basic layout of Far Manager (Dos) can be a
little confusing, take a quick look at the picture
You may notice that I've highlighted both
windows of Far Manager, each of these are
"separate" file managers, by default there both set
to "D:\Program Files\Far\" as that is where I have
my Far Manager installed on my system, but the
browser's by default will always be set to where
you have installed Far Manager on your system.
The basic commands like copy/delete are:
F5 = Copy
F8 = Delete
F7 = Create Dir
Hold Shift + Arrows = Highlight Files
Tab = Switch Windows
Alt + F1 = Change Drive (Left Window)
Alt + F2 = Change Drive (Right Window)
(those are the only real commands we need to
learn, but they will be listed at the bottom of Far
Manager, they will just have number's for each of
the commands, like "1 Help" but it actually means
F1 Help ).
Using jdflasher
OK since this is a tutorial I'll do a universal
modification that is compatible with all phones so
you can get to know just how to use jdflasher,
installing the Halmer Certificate (this is used to
sign Java applications to run without getting all
those security prompts (Permissions).
Halmer Certificate:
Some phones require breakin loader's to gain
access to the phones Internal FS, so for that sake
of that I'll be using a CID49 RED W810 as this is
one of those phones. (you should remove your
phones Sim Card and Memory Card while
connecting your phone to any tool)
Now lets get connected and modding with
jdflasher, we'll be using the left file manager of Far
Manager to connect to our phone, so press Alt+F1
and we will see a screen like this:
The top box is your Drives/Partitions/USB
Devices, and the lower box is the Far Manager
Plugins, were using jdflasher so we need to select
"just da flasher", (you can use your mouse to
click on it, press 0 or use the arrow keys and
enter to select it).
Now we should be in jdflasher and the screen will
look like this:
Now we need to set jdflasher up to be used with
our phone, in this case W810, so select the
"scripts" and browse down to W810 or
whichever phone you will be using (if you own a
DB2012 or DB2020 select that instead looking
through the list for your model, if you own a
DB2020 and have installed the Quick Access
Patch, select qa2020), in the "port" we leave it set
to "DCU-60", and in the "Speed" we select the
fastest (921600).
And once you have set that press "jump down
into the large rabbit-hole"
And you will end up with a screen like below,
follows the instructions given by jdflasher to
connect your phone, insert battery hold "C" and
connect your USB lead (as you did when
installing the USB Flash Driver).
And you will now see a screen that looks like this:
Since we are using a CID49 W810 we are
presented with 4 options "bflash/bfs/oflash/
ofs" (different models have different options, but
they'll always be from this selection) lets break it
down to Flash and FS, ofs means we can only
write files into the phones FS while bfs means we
can read as well as write files and from the FS.
(if you have an option to enter using bfs or ofs,
choose bfs as that means we can extract files
from our phones Internal FS, if we try to extract
files using ofs we will receive an error as "read" is
not supported by ofs).
So now we double click "bfs" to enter our phones
Internal File System.
Note: since we are using a CID49 W810 which
requires breakin loader's, entering the FS is a little
different, so you can skip this section if you???re
using something like a CID52 K800 (DB2020) as
they don't require breakin loaders, they just go
straight into the Internal FS).
Once we press "bfs" Far Manager will start to
enter the Internal FS but if your phone needs to
use breakin loader's you will have to do this step
before you actually enter the FS.
jdflasher will ask you to disconnect the phone,
remove the battery, then reinsert it and press OK.
Once we have done that and pressed "OK" will
need to reconnect as you did went jumping into
the rabbit hole (I love that.... rabbit hole), and we
will eventually end up with a screen like this
(yay... we have just entered the phones Internal
DB2020 owner's and all other's who don???t
require breakin loader's will also be here so you
can tune back in now
Since we are installing the Halmer Certificate we
need to browse to "tpa/preset/custom".
(as I said this is compatible with all phones and
the general folder layout of the Internal FS is the
same ie: the custom folder will be here, the menu
folder will be "tpa/preset/system/menu" and so
on with the exception of a few directories like
Fonts which will be in the same place on all
DB2020 phones).
The simplest way to browse is to just click on the
directories with your mouse, but you can
alternately use the arrows on your keyboard and
use enter as the mouse button, so browse to
"tpa/preset/custom" and it will look something
like this:
Now for the sake of it I've got the files we need to
upload on my other hard drive partition (C:\) to
give you an idea of how-to browse your disks
using Far Manager (normally I would just move
the files to the Far install directory for sake of
quickness, as you probably noticed from the
screen shots ie: K850 menu icons folder, and also
a few font folder's for my K800).
We now need to browse to the files we will be
uploading to our phones FS and Ooops I need to
switch drives, to do this I press Alt+F2 (do not
browse using the left window as it will leave your
phones FS (and in my case without flashing the
rest file and my phone wouldn't switch on as I've
entered using breakin loader's)), once you press
Alt+F2 you will now have a screen that looks like
Since I have the files needed for the Halmer mod
on my C:\ drive I need to select C: and browse to
\customize_upgrade_halmer", or you browse to
where ever you have the files stored (now do
you get how to browse with Far ), and I'll now
have a screen like this:
Now to copy the files to our Internal FS (the left
window), we can use our mouse and press and
hold then drag it into the left window one at a
time, or we can highlight both and copy them
together (usefull for copy a lot of files like an
acoustic pack), you should be set to be contoling
the right window but if you???re not then simply
press the "Tab" key to switch between the two,
now press and hold the "Shift" key on your
keyboard and use the arrows to move down and
highlight the files, when the file names turn
"yellow" that means there highlighted, now to
copy we press "F5" and we'll see this:
And press copy to copy the files.....
and hopefully we will now look like this:
Now that we have the files in place we MUST shut
down the csloader in the correct way (especially if
you???re using a phone that requires breakin
loader), to do this we press ".." at the top of the
left window to move back one directory..... keep
doing this until you receive this message.
We press "yes" to shut down the csloader.....
(after pressing yes, if you???re a DB2020 owner of
your phone don't require rest files and breakin
loader's you are now finished ).
If your phone requires breakin loader's there is
one last step to be completed..... Restoring the
Main Firmware File (flashing the rest file), and
since den_po is a genius jdflasher will do this for
you (well it asks you).
Select yes if you wish to restore the main (id
imagine in most cases you will , but if for some
reason you select no, you can either flash a rest
file using XS++/Far/SETool2 Lite, or reconnect and
leave the Internal FS in the correct way and select
YES instead of no).
After pressing YES you will once more be asked
to unplug, remove the battery and reinsert it
again and press OK.
Reconnect in the usual way so that the rest file
can be flashed:
When Far Manager looks something like this, it
will be safe to turn on the phone and enjoy
whatever modification you just made, in this case
the Halmer Certificate (of course you will first
need to download the EQHalmer program to
achieve any benefits from this, but now you
know how to upload and work with your Internal
FS using Far Manager and jdflasher)
EQHalmer: (used to sign jar files)
Patching and installing the Quick Access Patch
can be another day (or look in the tut's
Ill edit the post and add the patching side of
things some other time as my poor little fingers
are f#@%ing stinging* Maju terus indonesia dan tetap berhati-hati dalam hidup ini,semoga bermanfaat dan sukses semoga ALLAH slalu memberikan yang terbaik selamanya kepada galihrezah dan kekasihnya,,,amin
hehehe makasih
bentar ane mikir dulu buat postingan besok,,hehe

hehehe jadi malu

kabur ah..hahaha
balik lagi ah hehehe..

eh ga jadi kabur ah hihihi

maaf-maaf kalau ane ada salah..hehe

salam kenal yah hehehe
kunjungi untuk versi mobile agar lebih mudah untuk memposting komentar thx for visiting this blog and CMIIW (Correct Me If I am Wrong).